
About hinoarashi

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So far hinoarashi has created 85 blog entries.

Croatia Dog Show 2020

2020-04-24T12:12:16+00:00travanj 14th, 2020|

Naša Kira osvaja još jedan "Najbolji Pas Pasmine" - BOB!! Ovaj put na virtualnom Croatia Dog Showu u konkurenciji s 44 prekrasne prijavljene Shibe! Čestitamo organizatorima na zabavnom sjajnom programu i svim sucima koji su sudjelovali na malo neobičnom kinološkom suđenju. Bilo je divno vidjeti druge Shibe i uspostaviti nove kontakte. Čestitamo svima! // BOB [...]

CACIB Šempeter – Vrtojba & Special Exhibition FCI V.

2019-11-16T10:38:36+00:00studeni 10th, 2019|

What a fantastic weekend at CACIB Šempeter - Vrtojba & Special Exhibition FCI V. - 9. & 10.11.2019. First, we will start with our new little girl, who is 5 months old and on show for the first time. ☆ NAGASAKI NIKI GO HI NO ARASHI ☆ ✓ CACIB 1 - VP1 ✓ Spec. FCI V.- [...]

CACIB Lipica 2019

2019-11-16T10:31:04+00:00listopad 6th, 2019|

CACIB Lipica 5.-6.10.2019   ☆ JCH CRO, SLO KAZUAKI GO HI NO ARASHI ☆ ✔ Becomes New Junior Champion of Slovenia!!! ✔ He also got CRUFTS QUALIFICATION FOR 2020!!! ✔ Day One and Day Two: Exc. BEST JUNIOR, JUNIOR BEST OF BREED & BEST OF BREED! ✔ Shortlist in Junior Best in Show - Top 10, Best of Junior Group [...]

CACIB Umag • 2019

2019-06-30T12:02:12+00:00lipanj 30th, 2019|

CACIB Umag 08.06.2019.Judge - Kazlauskaite Ramune (LT)GEMMEI GO HI NO ARASHI - Best of Breed! :)Exc. CAC, CACIB, BOB!!!KAZUAKI GO HI NO ARASHI - Best of Opposite Sex! :)Exc. Best Junior, JBOB, BOS!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CACIB Umag ll 09.06.2019.Judge- Nives Medunjanin BožičevićWith a very nice competition with three male in the champion class, our fantastic girlCH. GEMMEI GO HI NO [...]